Helping You Stay in Education

Welcome to Teach Longer! Our mission is to improve education quality across the country by improving teacher retention. I burned out as a classroom teacher and wanted to make tools that would prevent other educators from doing the same. My perspective comes from a high school math background, but I understand that turnover is high in Title 1 and special education roles as well.

On this site, we'll create tools that make teaching easier. These tools can target engagement, organization, and optimism. We are starting with a puzzle activity but plan to use your feedback to create awesome tools that make your job easier.

Featured Tool

Teacher Puzzles
Our new teacher puzzle tool helps you make a puzzle that students put together by solving multiple-choice questions. This activity is perfect for Classwide Do Nows, Formative Assessments, and stations. You get to choose the image for your puzzle, how many puzzles you want, and what your questions are.

We have several tools in the pipeline that address engagement, organization, and a positive mindset. These tools are shown below:

Image of Apple Working on Computer

We want to make tools that serve the needs of teachers. Even though we have our own ideas about what helps educators, more information is what's helpful. Prioritization will change, and I would love to hear more about your challenges.

Stay in the loop

As a young idea, we'll be updating and coming up with new ideas frequently. To hear about all the new educator tools, leave your email in the form to the right.